Tuesday, December 9, 2008


YEA!! It snowed for the better part of the eight hours that I was at work today! It has been almost 15 yrs since I have seen let alone drive in snow. It was quite the adventure driving home in it. My office is only 14 miles from the apartment but it took me 45 min to get home since I opted to go 25-30 mph ALL the way home since I spun out doing a 360 and then some just trying to get out of the parking lot at work. Thank goodness I remembered the basics like turn into the skid.
Shawn will be leaving out either tomorrow or Thursday for who knows how freakin long, so I am going to do my best to get our picture taken for our Christmas card. We have pretty much already had our Christmas together in preparation for him not being home and exchanged gifts...he got a new r/c car he has been wanting and I got a Wii!!! At least I now have something to keep me busy when he is gone and I am too lazy to leave the apt!! I am trying to talk him into getting us a new camera so I can get back on track with taking updated pics of the puppies that have gotten so dang big!! I cannot believe that they are going to be 6 weeks this Friday!

Friday, November 28, 2008


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year thanks to our dear friends Sarah & Nick and their two great kids! It was the first Thanksgiving we have ever spent away from either of our families and I truthfully was expecting to feel a bit of a void for my moms turkey fixings and traditions. However Sarah busted out an awesome turkey AND ham and outdid herself on tasty homemade from scratch pies and whip cream and crescent rolls and sweet potoato pie that everything was incredibly outstanding!! Shawn says that her homemade pecan pie is hands down the best he has ever had in all his 31 long years on earth!! (And that he loves Kasha & Paydon like pecan pie not just tator tots!!) I am looking forward to Thanksgiving next year when we are settled into a decent house with a nice kitchen so I can go all out.
I am so thankful this year for the wonderful people that we have met that have made us feel so welcome in Oklahoma, I am also extremely thankful that Shawn was able to make it home just in time from the rig so that I did not have to drive out to him since I was sick earlier this week.

Today we participated in a 1st ever for me...I actually ventured out into public for Black Friday. We hit up Sam's Club and Shepler's (so sad that they didnt have my boots I have been wanting in stock!) and also went to a Competition Hobbies for the boys where Nick was lucky ducky enough to get himself a brand new Revo!!! Poor Shawn is wicked jealous since that is his Christmas present and wont be getting his for another month...we made it safe and sound back home to Ponca (without much incident) to replay Thanksgiving all over again with left overs!!! YUM!!! (Shawn wants me to note that they started the Revo and got gleefully high on the sweet nitro fumes!!) Sarah and I and the kids put up their christmas tree, which I greatly appreciate being able to do since this will be the 3rd year in a row with Shawn that I have not gotten a tree!!! HINT HINT SHAWN!

I am racking my brain for updates...the puppies are all doing great! They are getting so dang big and are adorable!! Brown puppy opened his eyes two days after the other two, they are all walking around and playing with each other and mom & dad and attacking feet! It looks like Shawn has decided to keep the brown puppy which we have been calling Rolo. The blonde puppy is hopefully going to be a New Years present for the Smith's- since Kasha basically claimed him at birth and named him Benny. The black puppy we have been calling Mojo, and believe it or not for being the biggest at birth is now the smallest! They are all little porkers! I cannot believe that they are already 4 weeks old as of today! I wish that we would have bought a new digital camera today so I could take some new pics and get them posted.

That is all the exciting news I have to share for now! Stay Tuned!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Two of the puppies have opened their eyes today!!! They are so sweet and growing so fast! The brown puppy who was the smallest of the 3 is now just as big as his brothers but hasnt opened his eyes yet, hopefully tomorrow!!!

Work is great, I am really enjoying it! My coworkers are awesome and so much fun! They invited me to play Bunko on Wednesday night. I had never played before but it is so easy to learn and sooooo much fun! I didnt have beginners luck- but there is always next week! One of the gals from work is going to Ponca Beauty School for their nail program so Sarah & I went to go and support her by going for manicures. We had fun and she was sweet enough to paint Kashas nails as well!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well I got a call yesterday afternoon, it was a job offer from the dental office that I had a working interview with last week!! I am so excited and greatful for this job!!! Today was my 1st day and my goodness- it wore me out- but I love it!! Right now I am assisting, but in the next few months the gal that works the front office is going to be moving back to OKC so I will transfer to the front office. With that being said, I am going to go crash out!!

Here are some pics of the puppies, and some of Pierre snuggling into the puppy area before they got here!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween!!! The puppies are here!! Our beautiful and loving Chihuahua Lily has just had her second (and last!) litter!! Three beautiful boys!! One blonde/fawn, one chocolate brown and a jet black! Momma and the boys are doing great! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Halloween!!!

Sorry this is the best pic I could take with my blackberry- our digital camera battery is dead and we left our charger behind in Phoenix!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today is a sad day for Shawn and I, his grandmother passed away. She was one of the strongest and toughest women in the world. As much as we want to we are just not going to be able to make it home to Phoenix to pay our respects. Shawn was able to come home from the rig, hopefully he will be able to spend a couple of days home to assist his mom over the phone with anything she needs help with. We are also hoping that he will be home for when Lily has her puppies. I am expecting them on Friday, October 31st!! I have set up her delivery area but she isnt showing any interest in it at this time- however Choco and Pierre (our cat) find it most comfy for their siestas. I am posting a picture of the bed that Sarah and I made for Lily and her puppies!! And a picture of Shawn loving on a very pregnant Lily!!!

Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers!!


Thursday, October 23, 2008


So we just had a heartbreaking moment. Shawn left on Tuesday morning for a new rig and I was laying here in bed contemplating on if my throat tickle is the start of a cold or because I havent been taking my thyroid meds...
Anyhow I am laying here with the dogs and all of a sudden Choco gets up and darts to the door and starts whining, Lily in turn gets up and goes to sit by the door as well. I get up thinking WOW they have never alerted me like that when they have to go to the bathroom but that is awesome! I didnt bother hunting down my flip flops cause I figured with Choco whining that maybe he had to go really bad and couldnt wait!! So I open the door and they both fly out, Choco takes off down the stairs and takes off across the grass towards the end of the lot which corners to a main road. I am yelling for him to get his butt back and Lily who was waiting for me to carry her pregnant butt down the stairs to go piddle has flattened herself againist the deck cause she thinks I yelling at her. Poor girl but I am so concerned about Choco running into the road- didnt happen though because what I failed to realize is that there is a diesel work truck parked and idling at the end of the alley, poor Choco thought his dad had come home and he was eager to greet and love on him. Poor thing was up on his hind legs trying to see into the driver side to figure out why Shawn wasnt calling out to him like he always does when he gets home. Once he did a complete inspection around the truck and realized that it wasnt Shawn he darted back up the stairs with his sad little eyes and face. Poor little guy!!! It is almost ridiculous how much we love our little dogs, they are so spoiled. Shawn and I always stop and ponder how great of dogs we have- especially Choco since we have raised him together since we got him as a puppy he has grown into such a great dog and truly is a compassionate lil guy. I told Shawn the other night that Choco must have been a man who believed in chivalry in his last life because he gets himself so upset and worried about Lily especially right now when she is so close to delivering the puppies. Even though she is being nasty and growling at him when he tries to lay next to her, he has been refusing to eat! We had been really worried about him being so darn skinny that a friend of ours back in Phoenix turned us onto a dog food that he called puppy crack! We started Choco on a diet of the puppy crack mixed with some wet dog food and he has made quite an improvement in his weight- so for him to refuse to eat is a pretty big deal to us. Shawn was getting pretty annoyed with Choco for not eating, we were blocking him off from the rest of the apt and leaving him in the kitchen whining and all like he is a little kid who wont finish his vegetables! Well Tuesday night I decided to see how he would react if I gave Lily her own bowl of food- low and behold that was his problem! He was wanting her to have his food since he senses that there is something wrong with her (pregnant), the poor dog was so relieved to see her get her own food that while he was chowing down the cat walked by him to get to the water he growled at the cat!! Man do we love our chihuahuas!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Well I am happy to report that Shawn made it home for my birthday just in time. Although we were still not able to attend our friends party down in SE OK, Shawn drove by what he described as a beautiful park with a lake on his way home from the rig that would be perfect for a picnic. So he planned a wonderful picnic for my birthday but when we tried to relocate this park it was nowhere to be found- not online anywhere!! So our friends Nick and Sarah saved the picnic and allowed us to barge in on their family day out to the duck ponds here in Ponca. We all had a great time- Shawn and Nick brought their r/c cars and I helped Sarah get some really cute fall pictures of her sweet kiddos! Disaster did strike when Nick's r/c car lost control and zoomed off into the pond- but he was able to recover it and is able to salvage it with minimal cost.

I had a job interview at a really nice dental office in the next town over. The doctor was extremely nice and I think would be great to work for her- she asked me to come back on Monday for a working interview. So hopefully that will work out and I will soon be employed even if only on a part time basis.

Tonight we went to go and pick up a mattress that was so kindly donated to us as we did not bring any furniture with us when we moved- just the bare necessities that we could fit into our trucks. It is going to be SO wonderful to sleep on a bed after sleeping on an air mattress for the past 2 1/2 months!! We are so grateful to the great people we have come across that have been so kind to take us under their protective wings and treated us like family here in OK.

Shawn leaves in the morning to go out to his next rig and is supposed to be gone for 2 weeks- so I will be back soon to post new updates. Maybe Lily will have her puppies this week!! Although I am not expecting them until 10/31!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I should have known it was too good to be true!! Shawn just called me with good news and bad news.
Good news...he is on his way home from the shop!
Bad news...he is leaving tomorrow morning for a rig in Coalgate for 2 weeks so now he is going to miss my birthday and we arent going to the Diesels in the Heartland party for sure. Frickin figures!!! I better go gimp it down the stairs so I can go to the laundry mat.

Way to set a pissy mood for the weekend :(


This week has gone by in an odd blur for some reason.
Saturday (10/4) was the day of Diesels in the Desert an event that Shawn helped to plan before we up and moved to OK. We are lucky to have made the friends that we have here in Oklahoma as Jory is in a band with his friend Shane (Possum Pecker Band) they are hiliarious!! They were playing at a restuarant in Mulhall which is about 40 miles away. Sarah and her kiddos rode with us for a night of comfort food (fried pickles anyone?!)and great tunes. Half way there Shawn gets a call from work that they need him to run a hotshot to Houston the next day (Sunday). Luckily I am still unemployed and able to make the roadtrip with him which we just expected to be a quick there and back sort of thing, but of course the tools in Houston that he was supposed to bring back were not ready so we were gone until Tuesday morning. Thank you to the wonderful Smiths for watching Choco n Lily for us!!!
All this week I have been fretting that Shawn is not going to be home next Saturday for my 30th birthday, thankfully the rig that he was supposed to be sent to has been cancelled and he will just be in OKC this next week working in the shop. Normally I do not make a big deal out of my birthday, but for some reason something is just brewing inside me (FEAR!!!!) of turning 30 and I dont have my family or Arizona friends to console me (I can only imagine what Jess would come up with to add to the horror since she made me cry when I turned 25 and she pointed out that I was a quarter of a century OLD!). Poor Shawn is desperately trying to figure out what to get me for the big 3-0, he has offered a new Coach bag??? A Wii?? We are supposed to go to a party on Saturday down in SE Oklahoma, Diesels in the Heartland so that ought to be interesting to meet a few people from the truck group that we are members of. I will have to try and remember to get some pictures!
Most everyone I know is aware of the fact that I am a HUGE clutz, so knowing this about me I have decided to share what I think is the highlight of the week!! I got home from walking and hopped in the shower to wash off the sweat before going out to dinner. Ya know when you prop your foot up on the edge of the tub to shave your legs or wash your feet??? Yeah well I seem to have underestimated how slippery my foot was cause next thing I know my head has smacked the shower wall, my knee has bashed the edge where my foot was and my hip is throbbing and I am laying in the tub like I just slide into 1st base. I was SAFE!!! Poor Choco heard the commotion and was barking up a storm, after laying there for a second realizing what the heck just happened I cant help but crack up cause I wasnt concerned about cracking my head open, I was concerned about my hair getting wet!! This morning I wake up and my foot is bruised around my ankle, my knee is bruised...and I am stiff as hell! Guess I should just count my blessings that I havent fallen on the stairs...yet!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Jill and Sarah turned me onto the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, thanks to them I finished all 4 books this week. I just finished the 4th book about an hour ago and now here I am 2000+ pages later twiddling my thumbs until 11.21.08 which is when the movie will be released. Gotta admit it looks pretty darn promising, I dont even know if we have a movie theater here in Ponca City but I am thinking that we may have to make special arrangements and drag ourselves on a girls day out to OKC/Tulsa...

Shawn left Monday and is out on his 1st rig somewhere by Coalgate and from what I can tell by his daily texts, is enjoying himself regardless of missing those waiting for him at home. Last I heard he was somehow eating like a king (fajitas, peach cobbler and sweet tea). At that rate I wonder if he will find his way back- haha!

How about that 2 hr Greys Anatomy season premiere?!?!? Sarah kindly offered up her house for a season premiere party that did not disappoint! I am sad that Shawn was working and did not get a chance to watch- I hate to remind him that we have an ongoing bet, especially when I can no longer remember what the heck it was about or what was at stake!

I am extremely grateful to Jill and Sarah for their friendships that have made me feel welcome and at home here in Oklahoma and look forward to our walks and cherish the laughter we share.
I dont think that there is another trio that can laugh harder when a treasure such as one in the following picture is found...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So I have heard Jill talk about her blog, and I had checked it out a couple of time but never really took in all the things that she was using it for. Since Shawn and I just moved to Oklahoma I thought it would be neat to utilize a blog as a journal of our new adventures and life here.

Shawn just had his 1st day with his new job at Crescent Directional Drilling and he is loving it! He left early this morning to drive into OKC, he met 2 other MWD new hires and they spent the morning learning about some of the tools they will be using and how to take them apart and put them back together. Then after lunch he and one of the other newbies volunteered themselves for an excursion to Texas to drop off some needed parts/tools. Pretty awesome for a 1st day on the job experience!

I was "instructed" to get a job, so I have scattered my resume across town and have so far interviewed for two jobs- one at the UPS store and the other at company in the next town over that does the billing for emergency services ie. fire stations and ambulance services. The pay and cost of living is a fraction of what it is in Phoenix, but it is really hard for me to adjust going from one pay scale back down to one that I made right out of high school.

Lily and Choco are as cute as ever and loving it here. After Shawn & I have always said that we would never dress up our animals, we broke down and bought them Halloween costumes. I was cracking up when I took their picture!!

We are expecting their 2nd and LAST litter of puppies right around Halloween! We are so looking forward to experiencing our first REAL fall!! We missed the Kay County Fair because of all the rain we received from hurricane Ike, but there is always next year.
Well I think blogged quite enough for my 1st entry, hopefully I will be some what decent on keeping up with it!!