Wednesday, August 26, 2009


We have been busy little bees! I started school on Tuesday. Kind of an awkward experience that made me wish that I would have just gone to school right out of high school and finished. But as is life, when do I ever go about things the easy way???

We went to Vegas with our friends Jay and Sandi about 3 weeks ago, had a blast!! Pictures to follow...

Other than that not much else is going on. We are going camping this weekend so I will post some pictures next week.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


We are only a couple of days into August and it is already proving to be quite a busy month for us.
I have made the decision to go back to school...finally! My dad is thrilled and Shawn is equally supportive. My goal is a toss up between dental hygiene and nursing. So far I am leaning more towards dental hygiene since dental has been my life for the better part of the last 13 years. I spent 2.5 hours at the campus last Thursday just waiting to speak with an advisor to get direction of where to start. I never applied for financial aid before and had always paid for school with cash out of (my empty) pocket which is why I never finished. I never understood the whole financial aid/student loan ordeal, but I am happy to report that I just finished my first ever FAFSA application and am super excited!!
Shawn now has Facebook...I tell you what that is another huge milestone for that guy of mine. First with the new cutting edge of technology (complete with touch screen!!)cell phone he got when we moved back to AZ and now FB...WOW honey I am super proud of you for the exposure you are stepping up to. Anyone want his old Jitterbug phone?!?!
We are going to Vegas this week with our good friends Jay and Sandi. This is the 2nd time (for me at least) to go to Vegas with them. It somehow always plays out that we go in August- one of the freakin hottest times of the year. Last time we went we thought it would be a relaxing trip since Sandi was 7 months pregnant with Lexi...HA she was insane with energy and the desire to shop, I had never seen anything like it in my life! Maybe this time our salvation will be Lexi being a nearly 2 yr old independent little girl who will hopefully refuse a stroller.
As far as my diet goes...I have lost 17lbs!!! I decided to work my diet around Vegas (muahhaahaa) and am going with a 23 day round and then 2 weeks off before starting a second round. My current goal is to stay within 2lbs of what my last weight was as of the last day of injection which was on July 26-which has not been a problem. I have been extremely impressed and excited about the results that I have already seen and it motivates me to keep going.
My younger brother Tommy (or Tom as he refers to himself) is also on a mission to lose weight and has already lost 20lbs following the South Beach Diet (I think). I am super proud of him!!!

A pic of my brother, my dad and I at my brothers wedding last year.