Tuesday, December 9, 2008


YEA!! It snowed for the better part of the eight hours that I was at work today! It has been almost 15 yrs since I have seen let alone drive in snow. It was quite the adventure driving home in it. My office is only 14 miles from the apartment but it took me 45 min to get home since I opted to go 25-30 mph ALL the way home since I spun out doing a 360 and then some just trying to get out of the parking lot at work. Thank goodness I remembered the basics like turn into the skid.
Shawn will be leaving out either tomorrow or Thursday for who knows how freakin long, so I am going to do my best to get our picture taken for our Christmas card. We have pretty much already had our Christmas together in preparation for him not being home and exchanged gifts...he got a new r/c car he has been wanting and I got a Wii!!! At least I now have something to keep me busy when he is gone and I am too lazy to leave the apt!! I am trying to talk him into getting us a new camera so I can get back on track with taking updated pics of the puppies that have gotten so dang big!! I cannot believe that they are going to be 6 weeks this Friday!