Thursday, February 19, 2009


Ever have one of those weeks when the word of the day was done every single day of that week??
Well done has been my word of the day for a few weeks now! I am done with stressing over work, money, living here in Oklahoma 1500 miles from our family and friends, but most importantly I am done with my weight. Those of you who know me either for a few months or for years have seen me go from chubby to chubbier to fat and I have just been plain disgusted with myself for a very long time.
I had about a week and a half where I was doing really well and getting up to go workout before work, and then my excuses started...Shawn was home from work, I got sick, and then I just couldnt talk myself into getting out of bed any sooner than I had to. Part of this rut and lag that I am feeling is due to the fact that I havent taken either of my medications for months now.
Today at work a fax came through about a "contest" that is being sponsored by the local hospital in Ponca City, its called the Lose to Win Challenge. In order to register you have to be in a team of four, there was a kickoff seminar that had a very inspirational speaker Sean Anderson who is a local radio personality for KLOR. I have added Sean's blog as a friend, so please check it out. I was quite impressed with his story.
Brenda, Christy and I went to check out the seminar and paid our $10 registration fee, the ride back home was buzzing with our nenewed energy to succeed. The challenge offically kicks off on March 2nd with a weigh in and will end on May 4th.
I am looking forward to the changes and challenges I will endure in the next 8 weeks, between moving to the new house and the Lose to Win Challenge I should have plenty to share so please stay tuned until I am done!!!!!

1 comment:

Jill Garrison said...

so you and sarah and nick are all going out together? have fun in arizona ... im sure it will be nice to be back home.
If the chiro would stop making other places hurt I think I'll be okay.